

来源:眼科新进展 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-30
摘要:Purpose:Dry eye is a chronic inflammatory disease of the eye surface caused by many factors,among which eye mite infection is an important risk factor for dry eye.The purpose of this study was to expl

Purpose:Dry eye is a chronic inflammatory disease of the eye surface caused by many factors,among which eye mite infection is an important risk factor for dry eye.The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of Melaleuca Oil on the treatment of mites in patients with dry :From January 2017 to January 2020,dry eye patients with mites infection were selected as the enrolled mites were collected from the eyes of patients with dry eye disease associated with mites infection,and randomly divided into five for the medical intervention on the slide,they were respectively:the first group was Iodophor (n = 13); the second group was Cotrimoxazole (n = 12); the third group was Chlorhexidine Acetate (n = 13); the fourth group wasHouttuynia cordata(n = 14); and the fifth group was Melaleuca Oil (n = 15).The survival time of mites was observed at 15 min,30 min,1 h,2 h,3 h,4 h and 6 h,:The survival status of mites in the first four groups did not change significantly from 15 min to 6 h after drug ,in the Melaleuca Oil group,the survival rate of mites was significantly reduced with the change of time,and the effect was immediately effective 15 minutes after the treatment,and the survival rate of mites at 2 hours after the treatment was reduced to 0.In addition,the killing effect of Melaleuca Oil on mites is significantly different from that of the first four ,in the treatment of mites,the effective time of generic drugs should be at least 1 :Melaleuca Oil has a good killing effect on mites,while common eyelid cleaning (Iodophor,Cotrimoxazole,Chlorhexidine Acetate,Houttuynia cordata)has a weaker killing effect on eye mites than Melaleuca Oil.

文章来源:《眼科新进展》 网址: http://www.ykxjzzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0330/592.html


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